John Amaechi OBE, organizational psychologist, leader, author, and the first Briton to have a career in the National Basketball Association (NBA), stands 6’10”. As you can imagine, he’s been called giant many times in his life yet says in his body of work that we’re all “giants” to someone – regardless of size or status. His leadership methodologies are rooted in the belief that sometimes, the most unlikely of people, in the most improbable circumstances, can become extraordinary. He shares how we all have a responsibility to be mindful of how our words and behaviors can affect others (regardless of title). In his book, The Promises of Giants, he explores how the accumulation of small interactions over time can affect other people positively or negatively. When giants (leaders) respect others by being fully present, extending compassion, and fostering a culture of emotional reciprocity, workplaces can benefit greatly. Are you ready to help fill the leadership void and embrace your inner giant?

Amaechi shares in his publication that today’s giants must embrace a lifelong journey of self-assessment if they want to sustain success. He believes in-depth introspection enables us to be self-aware, empathetic, curious, flexible, and maintain authentic connections with others – skills that can unite teams to work collectively towards common goals. Since effective leadership requires a foundation of practical self-assessment coupled with external feedback, Amaechi suggests the importance of having an accurate understanding of ourselves and our abilities.
When we do, we benefit because we are able to overcome self-doubt and recognize equally damaging false bravado. He shares seven examples of what success means to him and encourages current – and high-potential future giants – to identify their own definitions as well.
Meaningful Achievement Requires Understanding What Success Means: 7 Examples Shared
1. Nice People Don’t Necessarily Finish Last – People equate “nice” with “weak” and falsely associate aggression with success.
2. Success Doesn’t Require Cruelty – Don’t abandon your humanity to be successful. Make tough decisions and have difficult conversations, but never with a disregard for the people affected.
3. Success is Relative – Be clear about your definition of success so you don’t chase someone else’s dream or try to live up to a false ideal.

4. Success Requires a Clear, Vivid and Explicit Vision – For motivation, envision a future in which you’ve achieved your goals.
5. Success Requires Compromise – Ask: “Do I want to win, or do I want to be right?” Never compromise your values; negotiate workable solutions.
6. Success Isn’t a Zero-Sum Game – Your achievement does not have to come at another person’s expense.
7. Success Hinges on the Minutiae – Commit time and energy to every aspect of your work. Do the daily drudger
Leadership Challenge: How do you define success? What steps are you taking to develop future “giants” in your company? I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Brandon Rouse leads a diverse and growing team of professionals well-versed in the challenges facing healthcare today. Headquartered in Oklahoma City, OK, Brandon’s experienced team represents various technological and innovative medical solutions. ZB RX Medical and RX Medical are direct distributors of Zimmer Biomet.